The Travels of Tug 44

Waterford Tugboat Roundup 2013
Waterford, NY

The Waterford Tugboat Roundup 2013 was fabulous as always. My crew aboard Tug 44 changed a few times over the long weekend, and included Will Van Dorp (tugster), Christina (aka Marline Spike), Mike Byrnes (deckhand, Tug Urger), John Dupee & his Dad, Cindy McFay (Chief at Lock E-11), Larry Seney, Maria Dandenau, my girlfriend Kathy ... and who were all those other folks on my boat?

"Tug of The Year" Gowanus Bay leads the Parade, piloted by noted author and fireboat enginneer Jessica DuLong. On Sunday, the Gowanus was piloted for the Push-Off Contest by my old friend Tim Ivory.

Tug 8th Sea, piloted by the imfamous Capt Bill performs another stunning display of seamanship by getting completely sideways in the Troy Lock during the Parade. After clearing the Lock southbound, he radioed that he had a wobbly driveshalf and needed lubrication, so he veered off the Parade route and headed for the Rusty Anchor. There he took on additional crew, and they looked rather wobbly too.

Tug Urger being in drydock for repairs and unable to attend, Canal Corp sent Tug Governor Cleveland. She was obviously the best prepared boat in the event and she took Best of Show.

The largest boat in the event, Tug Cornell is always an eyefull.

Waterford's 1923 Tug Buffalo, always impresses. She was also beautifully prepared.

Tug Betty June, a sidehaul tug built in 1946 has been converted to a pleasure boat.

NYS Marine Highway's Tug Frances (formerly Frances Turecamo) has a weekend off at the Roundup. She spent the season so far hauling grain barges from Canada in Lake Ontario. At last year's Roundup, she was there but not fully operational and was towed in. This year she is in tip-top shape.

Another entry from NYS Marine Highway, Tug Benjamin Elliot.

Another regular entry from NYS Marine Highway is Tug Margot, one of my faves.

While waiting for the Parade to form, we were treated to a show by Tug Dean Reinauer with her fuel barge RTC106.

Another look at Tug Dean Reinauer and barge RTC106 as they make a 180-degree turn in the Hudson River at Albany. The tug & barge form a 600 foot long package, the length of two football fields. Hidden behind the barge is Tug Kathleen Turecamo, assisting during the turn.

A good look at Tug Kathleen Turecamo, after she completed her assist of the Dean.

Nordic Tug Lady Gabrielle cruises north on the Hudson during the Parade of Tugs.

The Caprice, owned and piloted by former Canal Director John Jermano ... comes into Waterford Harbor, displaying lines that remind me of the old steam tug days.

Stu Pate's mini-pusher Dragonfly always takes smiles of approval from the crowd. She's powered by a pair of 8hp Honda outboards hidden under the rear deck.

Port of Albany sent their workboat Spirit of Albany.

Such a little cutie, Tug Thimble has become a regular visitor at the Roundup. I always wondered if they trailer this boat, or do they just stick her in the trunk?

A new entry this year, Tug Iron Chief is really something to see. This mini-tug has a steel hull, and a steam engine. A plume of wood smoke follows her wherever she goes.

Another mini-tug, Atlantic Hunter II is a perfect replica of the bigger tugs, and she put on a show for the crowd all weekend.

Nordic Tug Aloha enters the Harbor.

In this photo by my crewman John Dupee we see part of the docks from his vantage point hanging upside-down like a bat from the bridge over the pier. Left to right, Tug 8th Sea, Tug 44, Tug Buffalo, and Tug Grand Erie.

Tug 44's crew-member Christina (aka Marline Spike) shows off the new Tug 44 Marine Surveyor outfits. Here, she is climbing back aboard after diving under Tug Mame Fay, the little pusher that moves the fireworks barge into position .. checking for possible damage to her props. Christina is a veteran of the Swim Around Manhattan. The man on the right is crew-member Will Van Dorp.

And late one evening, with all the tugs clogging up the entire Waterford Harbor area, tour boat Grande Caribe picks this moment to squeeeeeeze thru. No problem, she had at least a foot of clearance on each side.

And there's Fred, Captain of Tug 44, at the wheel of a WW2 Navy Waleboat (a diesel launch), along with Capt Bill ... setting off on a night-time raid on a nearby marina. In light of Capt Bill's earlier lubrication crisis, we brought plenty of the appropriate supplies. At no time did the waleboat actually sink. Photo by my friend Mary Stalker.

VIDEO: All weekend long, little cutie Tug Toot Toot and the slightly larger Tug Atlantic Hunter II put on a tremendous show for the crowds. This year Toot Toot has a new weapon, water cannons. The little tug that could! No tugs were harmed in the making of these videos.
-- Click the big arrow in the middle of the picture to start the video. --

VIDEO: The Push-Off Contest is sometimes a bit mismatched. Here we have the view from the deck of Tug 44 as Stu Pate at the wheel of his mini-pusher Tug Dragonfly pushes Tug 44 in circles. Yeah, I had Tug 44 in neutral, but still ... little Dragonfly is pushing the equivalent of a 12 ton barge.
-- Click the big arrow in the middle of the picture to start the video. --

VIDEO: Waterford always presents the finest fireworks display anywhere! Alonzo does fine work every time. In this 5 minute clip from the half hour show Saturday night, we hear the band playing, barely audible under the screams from the crowd and the tugboat horns at the end.
-- Click the big arrow in the middle of the picture to start the video. --

Tug 44 received this year's Jolly Roger Award for Best Tugboat Pirate. Hah!

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